Hi 😄

Good to see you here! I'm Henrik de Goffau, an experienced designer that can be the creative force of your team. This website is a preview of my projects. Do you want to know more? Find me on LinkedIN!

Current projects

Tags: museum, activity program, educational program

I'm in-house designer, programme maker and educator at museum De Bastei, where I spread natural and historical knowledge to a broader audience. I use my skills to make treasure hunts, plan events, collaborate with local (cultural) partners and help to develop a high quality educational program. Visit our website here.

Pictures by Mertens Bouw

Time frame: September 2021 — Now

Finished projects

Tags: design, education

At Slim Opgewekt in Arnhem, education goes together with practical sustainability solutions like solar panels and geothermal pumps. My role is to work on the educational program. This provides me with experience with a broad range of target groups, from education to healthcare. Visit our website here. Time frame: September 2021 — march 2022

Tags: sustainable food systems, field research, web design, graphic design

In this thesis, I explored what is behind your plate when you eat in restaurants. By doing this, I found out what can be done to make the food supply of restaurants and hotels more transparent and more sustainable. This is important, because South-Tyrol is a region with many tourists visiting every year. Ideally, these tourists not only consume idyllic pictures, but actually contribute to a more sustainable region. I did his research by talking to relevant organisations and people. The outcomes of this research process are systemic maps that make clear how the food system works, and an envisioned region-wide network that can further leverage sustainable food supply chains in South-Tyrol.

Project partner: Biokistl
Supervisors: dr. Phil. Jennifer Schubert & dr. Phil. Elisabeth Tauber
Time frame: August 2019 — July 2020

Tags: graphic design, web design, facilitation, photography

I worked with Blufink to document and share their events and to develop their visual identity, in particular Ideensalon. See Instagram or the Ideensalon website for more information.

Project partners: Blufink (Katherina Longariva), Studio Comune, Lisa-M. Zellner, Lea luzzi
Time frame: October 2018 — January 2019

Tags: performance, theater

With Paperplane Collective we worked on Forum Theater, an interactive form of theater developed by Agusto Boal. In our piéces we work on everyday social conflicts in co-working and co-living. Visit our website here.

Pictures by Oliver Oppitz.

Project partners: Franka-Louise Deister, Francesco Piazza, Chiara Rovescala, Mina Mahouti
Time frame: January 2018 — May 2020

Tags: eco-social design, field research

Investigating the potential use of Terra Preta (biochar) in Obervinschgau, aiming to connect the everyday realities of farmers and scientists. The outcome was an exhibition showing different systemic solutions.

Project partners: Lisa M. Zellner (colleague), Burgergenossenschaft Mals, Günther Wallnöfer (Biofarmer), the Mountain Environment and Agriculture department of the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano.

Time frame: February 2018 — July 2018

Tags: social design, fieldwork, co-creation

A mobile workshop station to harvest and broadcast opinions, designed for the co-working space DRIN, in Bolzano. LINK

Project partners: Francesco Piazza (colleague), SmartUp, Municipality of Bolzano.
Time frame: September 2017 — January 2018

Tags: product design, wind turbines, public perception

Designing a toolkit used to visualize the actual size of windmills in the landscape, in order to start a conversation in the public. Read more about the project here. (Dutch)

Project partners: Aditi Kho, landscape architect at the Gelders Genootschap.
Timeframe: June 2017 — August 2017

Tags: graphic design, front-end

Developing a visual identity, focussed on showing different perspectives on the world of work. The project was ended and the website is not online anymore.

Project partners: The Yob.bz team
Timeframe: January 2018 — June 2018

Tags: speculative design, service design, mycelium, bio-based materials

My bachelor thesis in Industrial Design at the TU Eindhoven was about experimenting with mycelium in order to develop sustainable shoe soles. In parallel I was developing a businessmodel for the interaction of the customer with their grown shoes. In the end the project exposed a need for sharing information on how to grow the mushrooms. Read my documentation here.

Project partners: Prof. Oscar Tomico as supervisor, and support from many people from the Technical University in Eindhoven.
Time frame: September 2016 — February 2017

Tags: internship, sustainability, consultancy

A four month internship at Except Integrated Sustainability, a sustainable business consultancy. More about Except.

Project partners: Except Rotterdam
Time frame:September 2015 — February 2016

Working on the communication of GO Green Office of the Technical University in Eindhoven. One of my first contacts with social media management and sustainability in organizations.

Project partners: Go Green Office

September 2016 — February 2017

Tags: 3D printing, Fablab

As an university job, but also because it's just a nice place to be, I was helping out at the university Fablab. My main activities were keeping track of visitors and operating the WASP clay 3d printer.

Project partners: Bitz Fablab
Time frame: February 2019 — January 2020

About me

Education: Ma Eco-Social Design, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy.
Bsc. Industrial Design, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, the Netherlands.

EN — I’m a versatile designer, who wants to contribute to a socially and ecologically better society. In practice I feel the best in a talented team, and I would like to work on complex challenges to come to practical solutions. For me, the core of concept development is field research. Everyone has their own experience and knowledge, and I like to combine and communicate all these different viewpoints, using the right media.

Throughout the years I learned to work independently, and to plan projects carefully. My knowledge emerges mostly from relations, by experiencing and doing. For example, I like to visualize complex systems, but I can also fulfill supporting tasks like the making of flyers and websites. For me, telling transmedial human stories is important. Download my CV here.

NL — Ik ben een ontwerpduizendpoot, die een steentje bij wil dragen aan sociaal en ecologisch betere samenleving. In de praktijk voel ik me thuis in een team, en werk ik graag aan complexe uitdagingen om tot concrete oplossingen te komen. De kern van het ontwikkelen van concepten is voor mij het veldonderzoek. Iedereen heeft een eigen belevingswereld en kennis, en mijn doel is de verzamelde inzichten zo goed mogelijk te combineren en te communiceren, gebruik makend van een passend medium.

Door de jaren heen heb ik geleerd zelfstandig te werken, en zorgvuldig projecten te plannen, zodat ik niet in tijdnood kom. Daardoor ben ik weinig gestrest. Mijn kennis komt meestal uit relaties, ik leer door te zien, te beleven en te doen. Ik word warm van het puzzelen met het visualiseren van ingewikkelde systemen, maar ook van het bezig zijn met ondersteunende taken zoals het maken van flyers of websites. Het vertellen van crossmediale menselijke verhalen intrigeert me.